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Results for "keyword: "theology""
My essential arrogance My essential arrogance
Saint John XXIII Day Inspiring quotes from the Catholic Pope, now Saint, who opened the door to the renewal of the church.
"I don't know" is good theology "I don't know" is good theology
I take Scripture as a stimulus I take Scripture as a stimulus
Practical Theology Brings theology out of the ivory tower and down into the streets where people must practice hospitality.
Praying with Jesus and Mary Cogent analysis of two major Christian prayers with an emphasis upon the Kingdom of God and justice.
The Many Faces of Jesus Christ A substantive overview of Christologies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Seek My Face An illuminating and innovative overview of the importance of the image of God for the rediscovery of God's presence in all of life.
For This Land Required reading for all those interested in Native American spirituality.
Quantum Theology Presents a bold theological map where science, religion, psyychology, cosmology and spirtuality all whirl together in a stirring dance of connections.